Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stylize Your iPhone , iPad & iPod Touch w/ Custom Cases

Since the smartphone's have become every person's life inside this lil gadget , why not accessorize your accessory with some fabulous , stylish , custom glam grafitti couture art made by yours truly. 

The DivaLoveGlam Stiletto iPad Case speckcase
The DivaLoveGlam Stiletto iPad Case by GrafittiCouture
Browse more iPod touch cases

You can see more styles & accessories .... visit : 


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About Lorem

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Think Different, narrated by Steve Jobs